11 September 2023

React Buddy becomes part of the JetBrains Family

It’s been almost two years since we released the beta version of React Buddy. Based on the expertise and success of JPA Buddy - we had hopes that we could also deliver useful tooling for the React.js ecosystem. In the initial releases of the plugin we were concentrated mainly on visual features like the Preview and the JSX Outline, but later we realized that we can even improve coding assistance - more generic and essential features for React development.

Recently, the plugin has been added to the WebStorm’s featured plugins list and surpassed 100k total downloads. It wouldn’t be possible without your support and feedback. So, thank you all for using the plugin and complementary npm packages!

The team will continue to work on features for React.js and other web technologies as part of the amazing JetBrains crew.

We’ll come up later with more details, meanwhile you can read the post in JetBrains blog.

Follow @reactbuddy Twitter to get instant updates.